Hello all,
I know it has been a while since I have gotten on and written. It has been a very busy time with prepping for vacation, vacation, and getting back into the swing of things since I have been home. Maddie and I went on vacation to Georgia to see my parents and then in between that visit took my mom along up to Illinois to surprise my grandma. Vacation was so much fun, but I am definitely glad to be home with my wonderful husband and Katy. While I was at my parents, I swam in the pool with Toby, hot tub with mom or dad (whoever lost the fight to watching
lol )at night. I caught up with some old friends and really enjoyed the time with my parents. Mom and I made our way up to Illinois with Madison . It was an adventure to say the least. I made a ER visit not even 24 hours into
Jerseyville. Spent the next day in bed sleeping. And for the rest of the week I very slowly got better, but didn't let that stop me from going out and seeing so much of my family. I had fun getting to see my little cousins, and getting to see all of my family who hadn't gotten to see Madison before now. She was loving the fact that she was being held so much. Madison got a ton of clothes from Aunt Anne, Ryan, Emma, and
KK. When we got back from Illinois, I met Mom's and Dad's motorcycle group. had to pack boxes to get all of those clothes back to TX, and enjoyed my last few days.
Since I have been home, it has been getting in as much time with Jeff and Katy, unpacking everything, getting our boxes, and so much more. We sorted through her clothes, washed and got them into her closet. Her entire top row is FULL of 3 month clothing and the
bottom row is FULL of 6 month clothing, her Halloween costume, and thanksgiving
onsie. I had to move all of her older clothes up to a year from the second row to the other rooms closet.
lol. the past couple of days, we have been shopping for seasonal decorations and stuff for Madison's room.
Madison's room is almost complete now. I am so excited about it. We picked out a bunch of decorations yesterday and spent a few hours getting her clothes and closet organized, hanging her stuff all of the walls, and organizing the rest of her room. We just have to paint the shelves, letters for her name, and the little art pieces for her letters. Then it will be officially done and I can not wait. I absolutely love her room.
We, also, got fall and
Christmas decorations. Since we are having family over for thanksgiving and having our first
Christmas at the house, I wanted the house to feel homey and warm for the holidays. We set up our fall decorations today and it is such a change. It already looks more homey and warm.
I am, also, glad to say that Jeff and I will be going to Germany for our One year Anniversary in January. We will be staying in a ski resort up there. I am extremely excited that we are going. My parents will be watching Madison and Katy for that week that we are gone. We already have our tickets, hotel reservations, and my passport is in the making. I just have to wait to get it in my hands. :)
Madison is so much bigger now. It is unbelievable how much she has grown in such little time. She coos and smiles so much now. she is in the process of figuring out how to roll over. She is sleeping about 10-12 hours at night now. Jeff wants to put her in her own room now, but I am not ready just yet. We did get baby monitors now, so I use them when I lay her down. That way I can feel more comfortable with it. It just seems too soon for her to be in her own room just yet. I have had to pack some of her clothes away already.
Well I think I have updated on everything. I will get pictures up later. Until then, Take care