A lot has gone on in the past few weeks. There seems to be so much bad news flying around and there isn't much to do about it. I am not talking about Madison. Maddie is doing great. She hit her two week mark today and is rolling around, eating much better, and even got to play in her jumper today. Anyway, back to the point of me writing this so late at night. On Wednesday, we found out some news that was very upsetting. Jeff's friend from work lost his little three month old baby girl. He was saying that the day before that happened, they were sharing baby stories and laughing about it. Today, we got the news that the memorial service is tomorrow and I just can't seem to get it out of my head now. That poor little girl was taken so quickly from her family and the family now has to explain to their elder daughter that her little sister is no longer with us on this on Earth and that she is with our heavenly father.
Life is so short. It should be embraced and enjoyed. There is not enough time to hold grudges. Life shouldn't be taken for granted. You should do what you love and be with who you love. There is no time to pessimistic about how you look, how the job you have isn't what you like, or how unhappy you are with things in your life. It is so easily forgotten how short life is on Earth until something like this happens and we are all, once again, reminded how precious it is.
I think back about how I don't necessarily like my body after my pregnancy and how I plan to do something about it. I planned on cutting out everything I enjoy so much and going to the gym all of the time and whatnot. These situations remind me that being "skinny" or "fat" or whatever else doesn't define you. It is all about how you live your life and your point of view on the matter. I try to remember all of this when I am having one of those " anything I put on makes me look fat" kinda days.
I think about the family who only had three months with their child and how lucky I am to have had seven months so far with Madison. I know that I take a lot of pictures of her and what we are doing, but I don't want to look back and think to myself that I wished I took pictures of that. I make sure that I get all of Madison's milestone pictures taken and maybe a few more in between professionally done. I look back at those pictures and realize how much she has already grown and it has only been seven months.
I make it a point to never go to bed mad at Jeff because you never know what's going to happen. Jeff and I's fight might possibly last five minutes, but I always make sure to talk it out shortly after and make sure that we are on the same page. At the end of every conversation with family, I always make sure that it ends with an " I love you."
I think people get so caught up in trying to look a certain way, or maintain a certain image that they don't truly enjoy life. I will admit that I am sometimes one of those people who get caught up with trying to be "cool" or whatever, but then I am humbly reminded that life needs to be enjoyed and treasured.
This sad news has been another eye opener for me. It makes me want to hold Maddie and not let her go, never let Jeff out of my arms, and to cherish my friends and family. Not look at the negative surrounding us or the "what ifs and could have" in our life.
I am so thankful for Jeff, Maddie, Katy and my family and friends.
This is probably the most scrambled and doesn't even make sense to anyone but me, but I needed to get it off of my chest. So to those who are actually reading this, please embrace the life you have and cherish the ones that surround you. Life is too short and precious to let it just slide by. Embrace the day that comes before you and know that you have done all that you can to be happy.
Before I sign off, I should say that Madison is doing great. She got to play in her jumper, which she really enjoyed, got a ride in her radio flyer wagon that she got from her grandma and grandpa Kallal and did a great job sitting straight up for a while. She is eating more and moving around so much more. She just got a toy box in the mail yesterday to store all of the toys that she got from Christmas and is now full. She is talking more and giving bigger and bigger smiles each day. She is truly a blessing and both, Jeff and I, are very thankful to have each other and her.
Well it is pretty late now and I have a long day ahead. So I am going to try to call it a night again.
Until the next time,
Have fun, be safe, and embrace life..
Friday, February 26, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Hello Everyone,
As most of you know already, Madison had her surgery on February 12. We went into the hospital on the 11th so we can get her lab work done, xrays and everything else that she needed done before her surgery. She was in a good mood the entire time and didn't let the poking and prodding all over her body let her get her down. Both sets of grandparents arrived on Thursday, shortly after Maddie was admitted into the hospital. When it came time to get her IV put in, it was a hassle. They poked her several times all over her wrists and legs with no luck. Unfortunately, when she came back, which seemed like forever, she had an IV sticking out of her head. She wasn't in the happiest of moods after that, but she got better as the night went on.
Her surgery was supposed to be in early morning, but there was a baby who needed a more detailed surgery and took her place. Maddie's surgery was then set back to 2 p.m. When Madison went into surgery, she had gone about 15 hours of not eating or drinking, hardly slept, and still in a pretty good mood. She started to get a little fussy and the docs came in to give her a relaxing medicine to calm her before she went back. That was the funniest part of the entire experience. She went from a fussy baby with big wide blue eyes to her eyes half open and couldn't care less about anything.
Her surgery went great and she was recovering great! Within a day of having her surgery, she was sent on her way home to recover. We got home on Saturday and was a little sore. Sunday you wouldn't know that she ever had a major surgery. Monday she paid for all of the movement that she did on Sunday, but still did well. Each day, she got better and moved a little more.
We have had several appointments since her surgery. She does have a few side affects, but all common within babies.
Sunday was Valentines Day. We didn't do anything special because we all thought that Maddie would still be in the hospital at that point. Maddie had a cute little outfit, thanks to grandma and grandpa Kallal, and little VDay jammies, as well.
I took over 150 pictures from the time she got into the hospital until today ( 10 days later.) I took pictures of everything and made sure that I got several different shots. I plan on making a scrapbook of just this. That way, when she gets older and wants to know what happened, she will have a better understanding of what happened and how great she did.
This is Madison's first Valentines Day outfit. It was adorable. I absolutely loved it.
This is Madison eating her first piece of watermelon and strawberry. Every time she got a piece of strawberry, her face would pucker up. She really enjoyed it though. When she was finished with it, there were only seeds left.
This is Maddie with her grandpa on her first day home.
This is a picture of Madison as soon as we get home from the hospital. She wasn't liking getting in and out of her car seat, but she did well.
This is all of us leaving the hospital (minus Kayleen who jumped out of the picture)
This is minutes before Madison went back to the room.
This was taken on Thursday, the day before her surgery. She was having fun playing around.
Well, I think that this is good enough for now. I do want to say thank you to all of those who prayed for us. We are very thankful that Maddie had a successful surgery and doing great in her recovery.
As most of you know already, Madison had her surgery on February 12. We went into the hospital on the 11th so we can get her lab work done, xrays and everything else that she needed done before her surgery. She was in a good mood the entire time and didn't let the poking and prodding all over her body let her get her down. Both sets of grandparents arrived on Thursday, shortly after Maddie was admitted into the hospital. When it came time to get her IV put in, it was a hassle. They poked her several times all over her wrists and legs with no luck. Unfortunately, when she came back, which seemed like forever, she had an IV sticking out of her head. She wasn't in the happiest of moods after that, but she got better as the night went on.
Her surgery was supposed to be in early morning, but there was a baby who needed a more detailed surgery and took her place. Maddie's surgery was then set back to 2 p.m. When Madison went into surgery, she had gone about 15 hours of not eating or drinking, hardly slept, and still in a pretty good mood. She started to get a little fussy and the docs came in to give her a relaxing medicine to calm her before she went back. That was the funniest part of the entire experience. She went from a fussy baby with big wide blue eyes to her eyes half open and couldn't care less about anything.
Her surgery went great and she was recovering great! Within a day of having her surgery, she was sent on her way home to recover. We got home on Saturday and was a little sore. Sunday you wouldn't know that she ever had a major surgery. Monday she paid for all of the movement that she did on Sunday, but still did well. Each day, she got better and moved a little more.
We have had several appointments since her surgery. She does have a few side affects, but all common within babies.
Sunday was Valentines Day. We didn't do anything special because we all thought that Maddie would still be in the hospital at that point. Maddie had a cute little outfit, thanks to grandma and grandpa Kallal, and little VDay jammies, as well.
I took over 150 pictures from the time she got into the hospital until today ( 10 days later.) I took pictures of everything and made sure that I got several different shots. I plan on making a scrapbook of just this. That way, when she gets older and wants to know what happened, she will have a better understanding of what happened and how great she did.

Well, I think that this is good enough for now. I do want to say thank you to all of those who prayed for us. We are very thankful that Maddie had a successful surgery and doing great in her recovery.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Time goes by so fast
Hello Everyone,
It has almost been a month since I have last posted and so much has gone on since then. We had a wonderful Christmas together. Maddie was overwhelmed with presents and love. It took her all day to open presents in between eating and naps. She paid more attention to the tissue or wrapping paper than her actual toys or clothes. On the 23rd of December, we had a cardiology appt for Madison. We got some test results and talked with the doctor.
In January, Jeff and I celebrated our one year marriage anniversary. We canceled our trip to Germany and decided to use our two weeks to visit family. We spent 6 days in California and six days in Georgia (well 4 days since it took two days to get there and two days back). During the trip up to Cali, one of my best friends, Erica, drove up and got to see Madison for the first time. It was a great trip to see her and family members. Maddie had so much attention going on that she just didn't know what to do. She was a great traveler. She did great on the different airplanes. We had several different people comment as they were leaving. In the car on our way to GA, she did good. She slept most of the time, unless she was hungry or needed a diaper change. Katy loved on Maddie and allowed her to pull her ears and skin.
Maddie had her six month check up this month, also. She was 16 lbs and 11 oz. So, from her 4th month check up to 6 month check up, she gained about a pound and a half. We brought up some things that we were worried about and her doctor decided to contact her cardiologist. The next day we went to see her cardiology doctor and found out that it was time to put in a pacemaker. After talking to the doctors, it was decided that she will have her surgery on Friday February 12th. Both sets of grandparents are coming out while she gets her surgery and recovers in the hospital. Jeff and I are worried and stressed, but relieved because we know that the pacemaker will make her better and we do not have to watch her go down hill.
We had some visitors the past couple of days. Pam and Glyn Echols and Pam's parents' came out to see Maddie and see San Antonio. We had a great time with them and was sad to see them go. We went to the wild life safari, up to Fredericksburg, Alamo, Riverwalk and had great food.
Well Madison is up from her nap, so that would be my cue to get off and go get her. I will write more later.
Until next time,
The Boones
It has almost been a month since I have last posted and so much has gone on since then. We had a wonderful Christmas together. Maddie was overwhelmed with presents and love. It took her all day to open presents in between eating and naps. She paid more attention to the tissue or wrapping paper than her actual toys or clothes. On the 23rd of December, we had a cardiology appt for Madison. We got some test results and talked with the doctor.
In January, Jeff and I celebrated our one year marriage anniversary. We canceled our trip to Germany and decided to use our two weeks to visit family. We spent 6 days in California and six days in Georgia (well 4 days since it took two days to get there and two days back). During the trip up to Cali, one of my best friends, Erica, drove up and got to see Madison for the first time. It was a great trip to see her and family members. Maddie had so much attention going on that she just didn't know what to do. She was a great traveler. She did great on the different airplanes. We had several different people comment as they were leaving. In the car on our way to GA, she did good. She slept most of the time, unless she was hungry or needed a diaper change. Katy loved on Maddie and allowed her to pull her ears and skin.
Maddie had her six month check up this month, also. She was 16 lbs and 11 oz. So, from her 4th month check up to 6 month check up, she gained about a pound and a half. We brought up some things that we were worried about and her doctor decided to contact her cardiologist. The next day we went to see her cardiology doctor and found out that it was time to put in a pacemaker. After talking to the doctors, it was decided that she will have her surgery on Friday February 12th. Both sets of grandparents are coming out while she gets her surgery and recovers in the hospital. Jeff and I are worried and stressed, but relieved because we know that the pacemaker will make her better and we do not have to watch her go down hill.
We had some visitors the past couple of days. Pam and Glyn Echols and Pam's parents' came out to see Maddie and see San Antonio. We had a great time with them and was sad to see them go. We went to the wild life safari, up to Fredericksburg, Alamo, Riverwalk and had great food.
Well Madison is up from her nap, so that would be my cue to get off and go get her. I will write more later.
Until next time,
The Boones
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