Today, we decided to have a family day and go do something outside since it has been such nice weather the past few days. We looked up a few different parks that we could go to that would be good to go to in the colder weather. We chose Falling Waters State Park. It was a two hour journey there, but it had really good reviews and the pictures we saw were really pretty. So we packed up all of our stuff and made sure that we had enough supplies to last a week( JK, but I do like to be prepared). We got in the car and arrived around lunch time. We stopped and got lunch really quick and made our way to the park which was so nice to see. It was a change of scenery for us and who doesn't like seeing trees everywhere they look. Katy was so impatient getting out. Maddie was ready to go, so we hurried along to get our adventure going.

We first took the trail to the sink holes. It was a wooden path the whole way, so we took the stroller. Little did I know, there are a lot of stairs once you get a certain distance. Jeff had to help lift up the front of the stroller. It was really pretty. The holes were pretty deep. It was shorter than we thought. Next, we decided that we would head over to see the waterfall. We caught a glimpse of the pathway and it was mostly stairs. We headed back to the car to exchange the stroller for the carry on backpack. Once we were ready to go again, we headed back on the trails. It didn't take long to get to the waterfall. It was beautiful to see. Unfortunately for me, I am terrified of heights and of falling. In order for me to get a close up view of the waterfall, I had to go down these stairs which I could see through. Jeff, Maddie, and Katy were already down there and I was debating if it was really worth my life to see this waterfall. I finally crept my way down there. You should have seen me. You all would have laughed at me. Only if Jeff had the camera instead of me. Anyway, I took one step at a time with both hands on the rail. I held on so tight. Jeff was actually making fun of me for how slow I was going, but I gladly explained to him that I can see through the stairs and that scares me (tremendously). He mentioned that I just look straight ahead and walk down. Doesn't he know I am terrified of missing a step and falling down the stairs only to die??? I finally made it down all of the stairs and got some great pictures. Once we were done, I quickly made my way up to the top of the stairs again.

We stopped to take a family photo.. or a few.. you know if you only take one and it doesn't turn out then you have no back ups. So, we took a few. Thank Goodness too because the first one didn't turn out so great ! We continued on our path to the lake. We figured this would be a good place to let Maddie get out of her back pack carrier and walk around. There weren't any wooden bridges to walk on. She had so much fun walking/running around. She was a little ball of energy that we couldn't catch. We decided it was time to go after a water break and playtime, so we started to walk back to the entrance. It was so cute to see Maddie trip over a ground branch and just get right back up to brush off the sand/dirt. It didn't even phase her one bit. She did need daddy's help on the way down a couple of times to get over some thick roots. Maddie wanted to walk Katy, so we let her (with daddy's help of course). She really enjoyed it.When we came back to the wooden bridges, we, unfortunately, had to place her back in the carrier. She did not like this one bit!!

We made it back to the car and put everything away. Overall, the day was amazing. I couldn't have asked for a better day to go and better people to go with. Time is never more important than it is with family. Everyone had such a good time. It was amazing to see how much Madison enjoys the outdoors just like daddy and how Katy enjoyed being part of our family trip. The girls were worn out after the trip. I will admit that I was worn out, too. Katy slept the entire way home and we didn't hear or see her once we got home until it was time to eat dinner. Maddie slept for an hour and a half before I woke her up to eat dinner.
I love having family days like this. All of us getting to do something we love and to be together. I look forward to many more of these trips together. I thank God everyday for blessing me with such an amazing family. I can honestly say that I have never been more happy.
Well, That is all I have to say about the State Park. I'll get on a little later just to post some pictures. Until then, have fun and be safe!