My parents came into town this weekend. It was so much fun! They arrived Friday evening and stayed until Monday after lunch. Saturday, we went to Black water State Park. It was such a beautiful day and couldn't resist enjoying the warm weather. We packed up some sandwiches, fruits, veggies, and chips and headed on our way. The dogs rode along with us. The hike through the park wasn't too long or too sunny. The dogs were worn out and passed out as soon we as got in the cars. Maddie finally passed out like 20 minutes before we got home and slept for a while after we got home. That evening, we went ahead and celebrated my birthday early. We went to Outback. YUM! It has been so long since I have been there. It was a good dinner, beside Madison being cranky and not wanting to eat any food. Thankfully, the waitress we had was really nice and knew what it was like to have kids. She brought Maddie some cherries and oranges. Maddie took some of dad's cherry tomatoes, so we asked the waitress for some more. At least my daughter eats healthy. LOL Later that night, we tried the cupcakes that we got from Oh Snap! Cupcakes. It was really good. They have a lot of choices and specialized cupcakes, as well.
Sunday, we all kind of did our own thing throughout the day. Dad took Maddie to the park and played for two hours of going down the slide. Mom and I went to Joanns to get fabric for the quilt that I want to make for Maddie and Jeff did homework. After that, we had some Delicious dinner and played Smarty Pants.
Before my parents left on Monday, Jeff and I went to Lowe's to pick up the soil and such for our garden. It was a lot easier to get everything that we needed without any distractions. While Maddie was sleeping, Jeff and I got out there and put it together. I can't wait to see if they actually turn out. As we were loading up the truck, a very nice man started a conversation with us and told us some great ways to rid of the bugs that were safe and non toxic. So, if anyone is wanting some good gardening tips... here are some. :)
1. To avoid bugs from eating your lettuce, place baking powder on it and on the soil. The bugs will eat the baking powder and explode. It should only take a few times and then you shouldn't see any more bugs trying to take your precious lettuce.
2. There is a small bug that literally suffocate any stemmed plants, such as tomato and pepper. They will wrap itself at the bottom of the stem while the plants are small and squeeze it until the plant is dead. This is the bug's defense against predators. He said to either put tooth picks around the plants while they are small or some foil. The gentleman said that once the plants are full grown that there is no need to take any precautions.
3. If any one is growing a garden in Florida, then you know that there is a ridiculous amount of sand and not dirt. The area around here takes a lot of tilling, but can have a garden year round.
4. The last thing he mentioned to us is that rabbit maneuer is the best thing to place into the soil. Chicken maneuer is the second best.
I know I learned a lot from him. He was very helpful. He also told us a few things that are good to know for living in Pensacola. I was glad to know that there are still a few good people out there that want to help others.
Today, I don't know what got in to me, but I woke up in a GREAT mood. Maddie and I made some breakfast and then got ready and went for a 2 1/2 mile walk with her in the stroller. Then we walked over to the park and slid down the slide a few times. I think she was worn out by this point because she was done after four times of sliding down the slide. I ended up having to carry her home. I laid her down and accomplished quite a few things around the house. I made her lunch and then we went on another walk, but this time with a friend and her little boy. Maddie and I did a few more things around the house and she went down for another nap. I guess I kept wearing her out. Overall, today was a pretty good day. A VERY productive day at that.
Maddie is starting to go potty on the big girl potty. For three days straight, she has gone on the big girl potty in the mornings and sometimes once in the afternoon. Hopefully this continues and goes smoothly. We all made a pretty big deal about it and it seems to be like 'Great mom, I went. Can I go play now?' to her. She doesn't seem to be too excited about it.
This weekend was a lot of fun. It is always nice to spend time with family. Maddie was absolutely loving her time with Gamma and Papa.
I have some pictures that I'll post, but they aren't uploaded just yet. Once I get them uploaded, I'll edit the blog. Until next time, have fun and be safe.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
What Day is it?
This week has gone by so quickly. I had meant to post a blog talking about this past weekend and then another post (like tonight) about the week. Well, that obviously didn't work out. LOL The weekend was so nice. It was a family weekend. Jeff did homework and I caught up on some things. We played some Wii, and played with Maddie. Sunday was the Superbowl. We had some friends over and it was a lot of fun. It was definitely had a lot of people over and we didn't even have the whole crew over. The kids had a blast. They utilized every single toy that they could find. By the end of the night, it was hard to see the floor. The night overall was a success. We had a ton of food left over, so I sent food with them. I love to have people over and plan for these things. It was so much fun.
This week went rather quick. It's all kind of a blur really. I know we went and ran a few errands and on Wednesday I met up with a friend for lunch and a playdate with the dogs. She asked me to watch her dog while she's gone for the weekend. I told her that we needed to make sure the dogs get along first. That turned out to be a really good idea. When she first came over, Katy went right into guard dog. There was no way Katy was going to let the dog come through in any further than she already was. We sat down and tried to get the dogs (really just Katy) to calm down and see if the two dogs could get along. I was starting to worry that this wasn't going to work out as I had hoped. I put Katy outside, so I could figure something out. She didn't like that I did that to her at all!!! I finally had the idea to see if we could get the dogs outside and play with eachother. IT WORKED!! Katy went from guard dog to play dog! WHEWWW! The husbands came to the dogs playing great with eachother! Jeff thinks it's because I put Katy outside and left the other one inside. I don't care how we got them to play and get along. Haha! So, this weekend we will have another dog to add to our family. :)
Katy's birthday was on Tuesday. She turned 3! I made her a little puppy cake. She liked it-as usual. The day before, we got the package of Dingo bones. It was perfect timing.
Wednesday, I had lunch with a friend that I previously mentioned.
Today, I sat around the house. I haven't slept much the past two days and was ridiculously tired. That meant that the errands I had hoped to run today didn't happen. That just means that tomorrow I DEFINITELY have to get out and go get blood work done.
Oh, I tried the embossing tools that I mentioned in a previous blog. Unfortunately for me, you have to have a special ink for it to work. I didn't realize that and just stocked up on cool colors. Oh well! I guess another trip to Joann's is in my near future. :) DARN!
Well, that is my update for now! Have a good weekend everyone! Until next time, have fun and be safe!
This week went rather quick. It's all kind of a blur really. I know we went and ran a few errands and on Wednesday I met up with a friend for lunch and a playdate with the dogs. She asked me to watch her dog while she's gone for the weekend. I told her that we needed to make sure the dogs get along first. That turned out to be a really good idea. When she first came over, Katy went right into guard dog. There was no way Katy was going to let the dog come through in any further than she already was. We sat down and tried to get the dogs (really just Katy) to calm down and see if the two dogs could get along. I was starting to worry that this wasn't going to work out as I had hoped. I put Katy outside, so I could figure something out. She didn't like that I did that to her at all!!! I finally had the idea to see if we could get the dogs outside and play with eachother. IT WORKED!! Katy went from guard dog to play dog! WHEWWW! The husbands came to the dogs playing great with eachother! Jeff thinks it's because I put Katy outside and left the other one inside. I don't care how we got them to play and get along. Haha! So, this weekend we will have another dog to add to our family. :)
Katy's birthday was on Tuesday. She turned 3! I made her a little puppy cake. She liked it-as usual. The day before, we got the package of Dingo bones. It was perfect timing.
Wednesday, I had lunch with a friend that I previously mentioned.
Today, I sat around the house. I haven't slept much the past two days and was ridiculously tired. That meant that the errands I had hoped to run today didn't happen. That just means that tomorrow I DEFINITELY have to get out and go get blood work done.
Oh, I tried the embossing tools that I mentioned in a previous blog. Unfortunately for me, you have to have a special ink for it to work. I didn't realize that and just stocked up on cool colors. Oh well! I guess another trip to Joann's is in my near future. :) DARN!
Well, that is my update for now! Have a good weekend everyone! Until next time, have fun and be safe!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Cribs and Knees
Maddie has been a pro at getting stuck in her crib. How, you ask? Well, Maddie likes to fit her legs through the spaces and let her feet hang off. This would be fine with me if she didn't try to get her entire leg in the space and escape. I don't know what she is thinking really.
This morning, I found her with one leg stuck. It's not an usual scene anymore when I go and get her out of the crib. Unfortunately, Jeff is normally around when she really gets her leg stuck and wasn't present this time. I attempted to get her knee free, but she screamed and cried every time I tried. I tried several times, but no success. I didn't know what to do, so I called Jeff at work and asked if he could come rescue her. I was tempted to cutting a piece of the crib off it not. LOL Luckily, we live two minutes from work and he was able to come home and play Super Daddy. He got her free so quickly. I will admit that I was jealous and pretty lame for not being able to do it. Maddie didn't even wince when he did it. I guess I am not a pro like daddy.
One time, Maddie was laying down for a nap (which she didn't do... she played the entire time in her crib). We went to get her out of bed and I couldn't even believe what I saw. She was on her tummy with both of her legs hanging out of the crib. From her thighs down was sticking straight out. HOW!!! It looked as if she had a brilliant idea of getting out of her crib. LOL This girl.! I don't even know what to do with her. I am just hoping she doesn't do it anymore, or at least while Daddy's not home.
I am going to have to figure something out so that she doesn't do it anymore. Does anyone have any smart ideas that I can try? Ideas are appreciated.
Well, until next time, have fun and be safe.
This morning, I found her with one leg stuck. It's not an usual scene anymore when I go and get her out of the crib. Unfortunately, Jeff is normally around when she really gets her leg stuck and wasn't present this time. I attempted to get her knee free, but she screamed and cried every time I tried. I tried several times, but no success. I didn't know what to do, so I called Jeff at work and asked if he could come rescue her. I was tempted to cutting a piece of the crib off it not. LOL Luckily, we live two minutes from work and he was able to come home and play Super Daddy. He got her free so quickly. I will admit that I was jealous and pretty lame for not being able to do it. Maddie didn't even wince when he did it. I guess I am not a pro like daddy.
One time, Maddie was laying down for a nap (which she didn't do... she played the entire time in her crib). We went to get her out of bed and I couldn't even believe what I saw. She was on her tummy with both of her legs hanging out of the crib. From her thighs down was sticking straight out. HOW!!! It looked as if she had a brilliant idea of getting out of her crib. LOL This girl.! I don't even know what to do with her. I am just hoping she doesn't do it anymore, or at least while Daddy's not home.
I am going to have to figure something out so that she doesn't do it anymore. Does anyone have any smart ideas that I can try? Ideas are appreciated.
Well, until next time, have fun and be safe.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Crafting = LOVE
I attempted to write this blog before and it wiped out on me! So, here it goes again.
Any one who knows me knows that I absolutely love crafts.! I will do any sort of craft. I like scrapbooking, sewing, making cards, random crafts for holidays and such, everything.. LOVE crafts!
I figured that I would start sharing the crafts that I made. Some of the crafts that I made are some burp clothes and a baby blanket for a friend's baby boy. They turned out really cute. I have a picture of a burp cloth on my phone that I will download later.
Lately, I have felt as if I have lost my creativeness lately and desperately wanted it back. I had to do something that was easy and could possibly bring the creativeness come back to me! I had some extra material, so I made a blanket for Maddie. Well, it's a little big for her right now, but she will eventually be able to use it. I love it! It's so pretty. I wish I had enough material to make for me. We really don't need any more blankets in this house though. We have enough for everyone on the block.
I have been trying to get more into card making. I think that it is more meaningful if you hand make someone a gift or a card. It is more valuable than spending money on a gift. I have seen cute ideas, but nothing that really caught my eye. I went to a few different blogs that had cards on their sites. They each had an etsy shop to go along. I thought I would look through and see what these cards are going for. I found a few cards that were cute and I could easily do. They wanted a lot of money for a card that I could very easily make and spend like an 1/4 of the price. Who knew! I should really get into this business ! I tell ya!

I wanted to make a shirt for the big sister of the little baby boy that was just born. I have never made one before and didn't think it could be that hard. MMM! I was kind of wrong. I learned a lot though. It didn't turn out as good as I was hoping for. Note to self: Pay attention and think about what I am actually doing.

The last thing I would like to share my newest tool which I plan to try out right after this blog is over. :) I am now a proud owner of an embossing tool and the powder! I am beyond excited about this thing. Embossed cards look so pretty and it has such an elegant, yet simple look to it. Wish me luck!!!
Well with that being said, I am going to get off and try it now.
Any one who knows me knows that I absolutely love crafts.! I will do any sort of craft. I like scrapbooking, sewing, making cards, random crafts for holidays and such, everything.. LOVE crafts!
I figured that I would start sharing the crafts that I made. Some of the crafts that I made are some burp clothes and a baby blanket for a friend's baby boy. They turned out really cute. I have a picture of a burp cloth on my phone that I will download later.
Lately, I have felt as if I have lost my creativeness lately and desperately wanted it back. I had to do something that was easy and could possibly bring the creativeness come back to me! I had some extra material, so I made a blanket for Maddie. Well, it's a little big for her right now, but she will eventually be able to use it. I love it! It's so pretty. I wish I had enough material to make for me. We really don't need any more blankets in this house though. We have enough for everyone on the block.

I have been trying to get more into card making. I think that it is more meaningful if you hand make someone a gift or a card. It is more valuable than spending money on a gift. I have seen cute ideas, but nothing that really caught my eye. I went to a few different blogs that had cards on their sites. They each had an etsy shop to go along. I thought I would look through and see what these cards are going for. I found a few cards that were cute and I could easily do. They wanted a lot of money for a card that I could very easily make and spend like an 1/4 of the price. Who knew! I should really get into this business ! I tell ya!

I wanted to make a shirt for the big sister of the little baby boy that was just born. I have never made one before and didn't think it could be that hard. MMM! I was kind of wrong. I learned a lot though. It didn't turn out as good as I was hoping for. Note to self: Pay attention and think about what I am actually doing.

The last thing I would like to share my newest tool which I plan to try out right after this blog is over. :) I am now a proud owner of an embossing tool and the powder! I am beyond excited about this thing. Embossed cards look so pretty and it has such an elegant, yet simple look to it. Wish me luck!!!
Well with that being said, I am going to get off and try it now.
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