This week has been very interesting so far. We have decided to try and start Maddie with potty training. I got an email about potty training with working moms. I read the tips and decided that even though I am not a working mom, I would still try the tips out and see if they work for me. Yesterday morning, we got her out of bed, got her out of her diaper, took her to the potty, and put regular panties on her. I was expecting several potty accidents and a few little break downs from her since she freaks out when that happens. I was pleasantly surprised. She did have one accident, but it was because she went to go, but her seat wasn't on the potty and she came back to get me. As soon as she got back to the bathroom, it was just a little too late. Other than that, she did amazing. I was so proud of her. She whined when I put a diaper on her for nap time and was very excited to get it back off. Today, we went to a playgroup date, so she had a diaper on for a few hours. She had no accidents today. We even made a step up in progress today. We used her little potty chair ( which she refuses to use) as a step stool so she can get on her toilet seat by herself.
That is where her independence comes in. She is so determined to do everything herself. As of today, she has to get her bottoms and underwear off, get up on the stool and get onto her seat all by her self. She will slap my hands and yell 'NO'. When did she decide to be so independent already?? Also, she doesn't want help to get her up in her chair for dinner. So sad...
When I say attitudes, I mean attitudes. Maddie and I were out yesterday running some errands and Maddie was asking for a snack. While I was at the commissary, I grabbed her some cheese nips. While I was driving home I asked her if I could have one as I held my hand back. She says to me in a stern voice with a little bit of attitude "Please?!". I laughed so hard. Where were my manners. "Maddie may I please have one?". I asked for another and once again I forgot to mention the please and I once again got the "please?!" She is so much like me it's unreal.
This weekend we are driving up to mom and dad's house. We are getting our new family photos done and Maddie's two year pictures done, as well. I am very excited. The girl who is the photographer is a friend of mine from high school. Her pictures are amazing and I am beyond excited to see how well they come out. We will get a little pool time in and a bit of Mimi and PopPop time in. It will be really short trip, but well worth it I believe!
I think that is all of the information I have to share for now. Until next time, have fun and be safe!