Finding time to sit down and write up any posts is not an easy thing to do. I feel so lost after vacation. I can't seem to get back into reality mode!
Anyway, Christmas was spent in the Bahamas this year with my parents. It was so nice to get away (did I mention how nice it was to have no phone, no schedule, or alarm clock in the room) and be in the warm weather. I will say that it was slightly weird that it was so warm. It did not feel like Christmas at all. Maddie had a few gifts to open from Mimi and PopPop. Jeff and I even had a present to open. Jeff and I got some woven baskets that were made by some Bahamians. Mom said that the lady who she bought them from said it takes anywhere from 6-9 hours per basket. They are beautiful baskets. We went to the galley on the base to eat. It is an all you can eat buffet. For our Christmas dinner, we had turkey, ham, king crab legs, sweet potato casserole, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, and so so so many more sides. There were like eight different pies and cakes there.
Family photos in our jammies |
Maddie admiring the tree and looking for 'Elmo on the tree' |
This was her babys apron |
mmm.. what else is in there? |
Maddie showing off her Abby |
That's her Bahamian wallet |
Madison and her matching baby doll |
After presents, Maddie, mom, I got together and started baking some cupcakes. Maddie tried out her new apron and hat. She looked adorable in it and now every time she helps in the kitchen, she throws it on and runs into the kitchen. :) We baked some two batches of Oatmeal Butterscotch cookies (dad's favorite). He was very happy to have so many that he could try out his food saver. I was supposed to make oreo cupcakes, but dad didn't have any cupcake tins for me to use, so I had to wait until the next day and borrowed a friends.

Before dinner, we went to the beach and took some Christmas family
photos. They turned out really good. I was really happy with how Madison
did as well. We all got dressed up, had a couple Santa hats, and posed
away. We had a little accident with our hard drive (Maddie dropped it on
accident) and we lost everything that was on there. Half of our trip,
along with a year worth of pictures (so Jeff says, I think its more) is
lost forever. Luckily, I still have Christmas pictures and the second
half on my laptop.
Needless to say, this is one Christmas that we will never forget! We had so much fun and already want to go back! Can you blame us?
Next post, I'll talk about everything else that we saw and did on our trip to the Bahamas. Until then, enjoy these pictures.