Anyone who knows Maddie knows her love for being a cowgirl. She still desires to be a cowgirl when she grows up. Own a farm and have horses. She has a pair of cowgirl boots that she wears with almost everything and anything. I'm sure she's squeezing her feet into them by now, but refuses to not wear them.
I came across this adventure camp site and noticed that they offered a horseback riding camp for a day during Thanksgiving Day break. There was not a chance I wasn't signing her up for it. She would be in heaven for a day and get a glimpse of what her future life would be if she stayed on her cowgirl kick.
I dropped her off with so much excitement in her, I wasn't sure if she was going to burst or not. She got right in line with the other kids and listening to the lady. I had her teacher conference to get to, so I didn't get to stay and capture many pictures as I would've liked.
About an hour and a half after I dropped her off, I received a phone call saying she wasn't feeling good. Her tummy was bothering her and she felt nauseous. She asked for me to come pick her up. I got back on the road and within two minutes after the first call, I received another. She laid down and drank a little water and was feeling better.
I showed up a little early to see if I can snap some pictures of Maddie and see if she is really enjoying her camp. They were watching the girls show them how to ride around barrels. While all of the other kids were playing around or wanting to leave as soon as their parents came around, Maddie paid attention the whole time and encouraging the girls. Once class was over, I was able to get some pictures of her on the horse and learned all she did that day. Although she didn't get to do her craft, we were able to take it home. She was really bummed that she wasn't able to show me all of the things she learned.
She was able to ride three different horses. She learned how to groom them, learn what they ate, ride them around and so much more. It was a really cold day that day with it being a high of 43* and strong winds. She didn't mind at all though. She would have spent several more hours out there if we had let her. 😃
Once we got home, I could tell she was really exhausted. She kinda munched on her lunch and asked me to lay down for a nap. I woke her up after 2 1/2 hours and asked her if she was feeling ok. She said no. Turns out, she had a stomach bug....that has lasted days. We missed Thanksgiving with friends. She's back to eating food, but not like before and she's still exhausted.
Here are some pictures of her day.

She is even more convinced she wants to be a cowgirl. She's already asked for a horse. She doesn't care how much work it would be or how much it would cost. She's ready to go. I love her passion for things in life.
Guess I should be looking for new cowgirl boots for her.
Until next time.... Have fun, be safe, and, enjoy life.