So, the past few days have been very interesting. Friday was my spa/me day. It didn't go as I had planned it, but I still had a lot of fun. The place that I wanted to get my spa package done at was booked until today (Sunday). So I said no thanks. Then I went to the place where I was going to get my hair lighted at (note: they were never busy when I had went before). They were booked the entire day. Just my luck. :) lol So, I called a friend and went where she did. Before there, I decided to make a little detour and pick up my wonderful husband and beautiful baby girl. I realized that it wasn't so much of getting a break from everything, it was more about getting to spend time with them and still accomplishing what I needed to be done. So we went and got my hair highlighted. While I was doing that, Jeff went to look for new sunglasses. Then we got me a new pair (he couldn't find a pair he liked until today), found a pair of shoes so I could have a nice pair for that night and then went home and got ready for our date night.
We dropped Madison off at Ashley's house and went to Salt Grass for dinner. It was so delicious. We planned to go bowling, but trying to get all of Madison's stuff ready, we forgot to grab socks for us. So, we decided to go putt putt. It was so much fun. Three hours passed and I was ready to get back to Madison and go home to cuddle her. Jeff had taken care of her that whole day and I didn't get to hold her until that night. I had missed it.
Although it was nice to get out and have fun, I sure missed having my little girl to hold and have around. That day was better than I thought it was going to be.
Last night we decided to go on a walk since Katy hasn't been on one in a while and she was doing so good. While we were walking, we had a little dog trail going. Two little dogs decided to join us on our walk. Three-fourths of the way home, two large dogs came charging at Katy. I was trying to get Katy away from them and then tried to get out of the way. I ended up in the middle and was tripped by one of the dogs. I fell off the sidewalk and onto the road. I had Madison in a carrier in front of me, so I fell to my side so she wouldn't get hurt. She let out a cry because she was woken up, but other than that she was fine. I, on the other hand, ended up with a nicely scrapped knee with a large lump under it, another scrapped knee ( not so bad), and scrapped arms and a few other bruises (hence the title). Jeff beat the dogs off of her and one of the dogs owners called it back and came to make sure she was OK. He offered to take her to the vet if she was hurt. He said that the dog who had originally attacked Katy was a stray who had attacked his other dog and bit one of his girls. Needless to say, my heart was racing and I was worried for my two little girls. Katy is OK. I think she was more scared than anything. She did good fighting the two dogs off. Maddie was OK. no scratches or anything. I held her close to me so nothing would happen to her. Katy ran up to me right after she got loose.
Today, I thought that we should take her to the park where I knew the owners would be there and the dogs play with each other instead of attacking each other. We grabbed dinner and took it there to eat. I couldn't eat while I was there. I watched Katy the entire time while my heart beat was racing so fast and I was shaking. I was so scared from last night I pretty much stalked my little "big" girl. Every time a dog would come up to our table there, She would run up to us and get in front of us, as if she was protecting us from them. My guard dog! :) She never used to do that before last night. So, I know that she was protecting Maddie.
We have so many loose dogs around our area. Most of them are nice and just want to play with Katy. But there are some that are so aggressive and out to kill. Tomorrow, I plan on calling and making a complaint about the insane amount of stray dogs on the streets and how it is so unsafe for children and people who actually try to walk their dogs on a leash like they are supposed to.
I am proud to say that Madison is now sleeping 7 hours at night at once. Thank God. It is so nice to get a couple more hours of sleep. I don't feel tired at all now. She seems to do really good on that schedule, too. Now if only we can keep her on it and eventually get it longer as she grows older. She is starting to actually look at us now and trying to see us and not past us. She is also smiling a lot more. Of course, I never have my camera around when she does it though. I will keep trying. We, also, decided that we would put her in her crib during the day when she lays down to sleep. That way she can get used to her crib and won't be so freaked out when it comes time her to be in it all of the time. She did really good. She slept until she woke up and wanted to eat.
That was scary with the dogs attacking Katy. Thank goodness you were not bitten and hate to hear about your scrapes and falling..glad Maddie was not hurt. I think I would find a nice area to walk with not so many dogs around. Is there a nice, larger park around your area? Dogs are too aggressive now days to chance getting attacked by them and any of you really hurt. Glad you missed Maddie, a sign of a great Mom!!!! Love ya's..
ReplyDeleteAdorable pics of Maddie. Can't wait to hold her.