Sunday, November 15, 2009


Well I am in my second week of school and I am ready for it to be over with. I like that I am back in school and continuing my education, but it is tough with taking care of Madison, running errands, dinner, chores, and squeezing in time with Jeff. I work on my school work at night once Jeff and Madison are in bed for the night. It is the only time that it is completely quiet and nothing acquiring my attention. It is nice because I can focus on what needs to be done.

Jeff is done with his semester next week. He is really excited about that. I am sure he is going to enjoy his time off. He doesn't plan to start another semester until we get back from our Germany trip in January.

Thanksgiving is coming up. I am really excited and can't wait for my parents to come. I am even more exited for Christmas though. It's Madison's first Christmas and I already have a list of things that I would like to get her. We have a lot of decorations and we bought more lights for the outside. I am getting really impatient for the time to decorate to come. I started Christmas shopping already. :) I love the Christmas season!

Madison is starting to teeth. She is drooling so badly right now. We rubbed our fingers against her gums and she has a few rough spots. We got her some new teething toys. She doesn't like her teething Binky's though. She has a set of keys that she likes and she likes the flower that was a bonus when you bought it. She hardly ever lets that flower go.

Jeff put lights out on the porch for me. I like to sit out there and enjoy them at night. It looks like walking in a small town. The back porch and tree is lit up. Unfortunately, a squirrel has already helped itself to one of the lights taking out of the lines on our tree. Stupid squirrels. ! :- /

This past Tuesday we had the Marine ball. It was a lot of fun. It was up in Fredericksburg, a German town for those who aren't familiar with our surroundings. It was a lot of fun to see everyone and my gorgeous friends. :) Jeff looked incredibly handsome. Unfortunately, my camera died shortly after we got there. Luckily for me, Jenn took a lot of pictures, so I can get them from her.

Well I guess that is all for now. Until the next time, take care and be safe.

1 comment:

  1. Waiting to decorate?? You DID decorate for XMAS and it looks wonderful... u still need to come get the pictures from me..

    love you guys.
