So, it's 12:13 AM and once again I can't sleep. Thanks to my mom who passed the thinking when it's bed time gene.
I had my other test done a few days ago. It didn't go as well as I had planned. Since my other test came back fine, I was hoping for pretty much the same result. Before I got my second test done, my GI doctor was talking to me and was telling me that everything looked great. He didn't see any problems and that my medication would need to be adjusted. I had my test done and when I woke up, Jeff told me that he found the area that I have been having problems with. He was actually surprised when he came across it because the other test showed no sign of a problem. He said that as much as he didn't want to do this, I will eventually need surgery. He temporarily fixed the issue, but when the problem resorts back, it will be time to have another surgery. Being a Crohn's patient and already having one surgery under my belt, I wasn't really surprised. I was warned that I would eventually need at least one more surgery within my lifetime. Unfortunately, my doctor couldn't tell me how long the temporary fix will last. He said it could be two weeks or two months. It really depends on my body. So, until that point comes along, I am on quite a few meds and on a restricted diet. I am kind of have mixed emotions about it. I mean, why should I be on all sorts of meds and a restricted diet when I know that I will have to have surgery. Why shouldn't I just have it now and get it over with. No need to worry about one more thing than I need to, right? On the other hand, the sooner I do get the surgery, the sooner I will probably have to get another surgery. I don't want to get more surgeries than I need to within my lifetime. So, as much as I hate being on my really restricted diet, I guess I will just wait around until it's time.
Still on the topic of me having my procedure done, as some of you might have read on my facebook, I got on Facebook while still under anesthetics at home. I had no recollection of ever making a status post of "It's over. Yayyy! " I was warned not do get online, facebook, buy anything, or drive while I was recovering from it. So, I had a few comments wondering what was over. I was clueless to what they were talking about until I got to my status. Mmmmm go me! Jeff laughed at me and rubbed it in my face that he had warned me. I guess I was pretty annoying after my procedure. Jeff informed me that I asked SEVERAL times what the conclusion was, if I was still on a restricted diet, and what the doctor told him. As soon as he would explain, I would fall back asleep immediately. I do remember waking up one time after jolting and Jeff and the nurse who was taking my IV out started to laugh at me. Once I finally woke up and could stay awake long enough to get an answer out of Jeff, he told me how I behaved. LOL oh well.. He can't hold anything against me. It wasn't my fault.
Madison went to daycare that day since I was obviously not well enough to care for her myself. She went into the pre-toddler room. She had a lot of fun. Jeff said she was the only one who was still crawling. That afternoon she came out walking 5-6 steps instead of 3. I guess that room is good for her. She is more driven to walk instead of crawl there. Hopefully, she will continue to take more and more steps.
She is doing great! She has been kind of cranky the past few days, but I think she was a little dehydrated yesterday. This whole transitioning her from formula to whole milk isn't going so great! She simply won't drink her whole milk. She would much rather drink her water and when I do give her a bottle full of formula, she gulps it down. Teething might have played part today. She was such a cuddler yesterday. I actually got to rock her to sleep yesterday as she snuggled in my arms with her bunny blanket (AKA her security blanket). I love my little cuddle bug. She grows up so fast and hardly ever wants to be rocked to sleep anymore. She rarely wants to be bundled up when she knows she can run free.
That's about all I know for now. It's getting late. Until then, have fun and be safe. Remember, life is short so embrace it.
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