Let me start at the beginning. Maddie was playing out back and helping Jeff work on the grill. Jeff came inside and told Maddie not to jump in the bucket. The next thing we know, she is screaming, crying hysterically, and on her side. We went through the whole getting her up, trying to get her to calm down so we can figure out what actually hurts. Nothing is obviously sticking out that's wrong to us. She says her shoulder hurts. I have Jeff look at her arm. We, eventually, convince her to let us look and test her arm out. Everything seems fine other than she can't get it all of the way over her head and she says its heavy. We assume she just pulled muscles and it hurts to stretch them out right now.
We continue our day. I have her rest. We eat dinner together and I tell her to shower. As I'm talking to Jeff and saying that I think we should take her in to get looked at because she wasn't using it, I hear her crying. She complains that her arm hurts. This is the first time she has said so since her fall.
Jeff and Maddie head on over to KinderMender to get looked at. They are fabulous and quick. They said it's probably a sprained shoulder and that she should feel completely better within three days. If not, she should see a pediatric orthopedic. They gave us an option to do an X-ray, but told Jeff that they wouldn't be able to do anything and was convinced it was a sprain since apparently I have one tough little girl. They came home and we got her into bed.
Luckily, the next day she had off of school so she was able to stay home and rest since it was supposed to feel worse than the day before.
The following day, I received a phone call from the school nurse informing me she's in pain. She wanted to stick it out at school though. So when she got home, I gave her another round of medicine.
Jeff and I kept a close eye on her and noticed that it wasn't getting better. So Friday morning I called and got her a referral to a specialist. I was able to get her in Monday morning. We went out for donuts since we had a little time. We got there and the lady did her tests on her. She looked at us and said that it seems like it more muscle related because she did well on her tests, but to get an x Ray just to be sure and that's their first step. We agreed and she went to get it done. A few minutes passed and her and Jeff were back in the room. I was telling her that she didn't break her arm because she would be in a lot more pain. Right at that moment, the previous lady and another lady walked in and said that she broke her arm. All three of us looked at her and gave the "what?! Huh??" Face. We got to see a picture of the x Ray and the break.
We couldn't believe it. This girl has been acting normal except for the few times she's asked for Medicine and that her arm hurts. With that, she got a more comfortable sling and has orders to wear it for a month.
She really has to be one tough cookie to have a broken arm and act the way she has been. But I am so glad that Jeff and I listened to our gut and got her checked right away.
The next day, I received another phone call from the school nurse and thought it was about her arm. This time, it was about her throat. She wanted to give me a heads up that her throat is red and a slight temp for her. I knew right away that by the time Maddie got home, she would have white bumps all over her throat.
I was right. I checked her as soon as she walked in. Jeff took her in and got her tested so we can get her on medicine. This isn't our first rodeo with strep with her. We ran into a lot of it last year. She came home and got her into bed.
That is what started her next round of sickness came. she woke us up and she could hardly breathe. I mean COULD HARDLY BREATHE!!!! She had a pretty bad weeze. Her chest was fully expanded. She was starting to flip out. I rushed her to the bathroom and started the shower. By the grace of God, I was able to stay calm and get her to calm down and focus on her breathing. I couldn't feel any air coming out of her nose or mouth even though I could clearly see her chest become huge and then shrink all of the way in again. She kept complaining her forehead hurt and her throat hurt. I had her "blowing bubbles" to make sure she was breathing as deep as she could. Jeff called 911 and talked to them until they got there.
Maddie and I got to take her (and my) second ride in the ambulance. They gave her oxygen and listened to her. It turns out that her tonsils were so enlarged that it almost completely shut her throat up. And the gunk from strep wasn't helping.
We did a few tests to make sure it wasn't anything else and luckily it wasn't. We went home and put her back to bed.
That was by far the scariest and most stressful night I've experienced in a long time. She's so much better now and I thank God for that. I tried to get her to promise me she won't get sick or hurt anymore. That I couldn't handle anymore. She wouldn't promise me though.
She seems to be in the mend for all things. We go back Wednesday to get another X-ray to see if it's healing.
Until next time... have fun, be safe, and enjoy life.
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