Sunday, October 25, 2015

The Pumpkin Patch

Every year around this time, we head up to Gaver's Farm. You can easily spend a full day up there and not be bored. They have so much to do for the kids. Madison loves going up there. I had planned for us to spend the whole day together up there, but Jeff's college teacher changed the due date on his paper (pushing it up a week), so we could only spend a few hours there. 

Reguardless, we all had a ton of fun seeing as much as we could in the short time we had up there. We may not have been able to do a lot of things that they had to offer, but we made a lot of memories that I know we will never forget. At the end of the day,  we all came home and crashed afterwards (except Jeff who did homework). 
Enjoy the pictures and descriptions of what was going on. 

Our traditional photo with a new member in it :) 

Maddie having a blast on the jumping pillow. We can never get her off of it. I waited to go that day when her sling was off and she was completely healed up. 

My boys while we wait for sissy to jump it out. 

Another yearly picture! Just shy of 4 feet!! She needs to slow down. 

She loves this slide and was waiting in line before we could even get there. 

Daddy took Jackson down the slide. Poor little man had no clue on what to think about it. 

My model wanted to take a picture with everything possible. 

She was so excited to do the corn maze.  She 'knew' exactly where to go and led the way. Ha. It turned out to be an adventure. I'm just glad we convinced her to do the kid one and not the regular. We may still be in there as I type. 

This is a scenery shot while I waited for Maddie to play on the pirate ship they had. It doesn't do it justice with all of the beautiful fall colors. It was simply gorgeous. 

Again, my model wanted a picture of a huge chair. :) 

Feeding the goats. -all by herself I feel the need to add-  

The alpacas were too cute to not get a picture of. 

Sometimes she thinks she's too big to hold her daddy's hand in public. I'm glad today wasn't one of those days. 

Our attempt at a family photo.  

We were on our way to the pumpkin patch to pick our pumpkins. 

Our view while we rode to the pumpkins. 
Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures of us picking pumpkins. Maddie found one for Jackson right away, but kept picking up and putting down hers to go find another one. After I found ones for Jeff and me, she finally found one and we made our way back. At that point, I had no hands to take pictures. I guess I can't win them all. 

Just a picture of Jackson and I while we wait around. 

One of the main reasons I go up there. ;) apple cider donuts. Yummy! 

We made so many memories up there and I can't wait to see our masterpieces on our pumpkins. 

I thank God for days like those where I can appreciate the time I get with my family and see the smiles on their faces. Jackson may not remember all of these things we do, but we have pictures and our memories for him until he can do it himself. 

Until next time... Have fun, be safe, and enjoy life! 


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